Last week we spent 4 nights up at Rose and Gary Bryan's cottage. We were in real need of a vacation and it was just the kind that we like. We relaxed the whole time. We went up with mom's side of the family. It was the first time in a very long time that she and all her brothers and sisters were on a vacation together. I hardly ever get to sped time with Aunt Lindsey and Aunt Katie so it was really great to spend time with my family.
We spent our days lounging on their private beach. And my favorite thing was to go for rides. I got to drive their golf cart and quads (with dad and mom's help) all over their 200 and some acres. I thought I was pretty big stuff.

One night the whole family went down and shot clay pigeons. We were all surprised that I wasn't even afraid of the sound of the guns. Grandpa says " that is the first step at a great hunter". Grandpa showed us the gun that I will get some day. I can't wait until I am old enough to go hunting with Grandpa and Uncle Mike.